It's unbelievable and unacceptable that here in Brazil even simple things doesn't work properly. I didn't receive my Bravo magazine in the last two months, and the phone service for the subscriber didn't find my information, but my magazine subscription was totally paid in the beginning of this year.
I wish to kill all these stupid people.
That's why I shun talking with attendants in the phone. I hate it. Nobody knows about what you are asking for. So, after all these daily proofs of our stupidity, brazilians still claims better treatment, because we are evidently being called stupid for people of other countries. I surely understand why we are considered like monkeys outside of Brazil. We tend to behave like animals all the time and even when you need a simple information or a good service or buy something with quality you usually become disappointed.
That's why people see us in that way and that's why foreigners will evidently say about brazilians as we are idiots. And with good reasons.
Today I saw a comment with this preconceived idea in a community of Orkut and I felt a little bit sad. What I can do? I know that idiot american guy is a bit right about us. Of course prejudice isn't good, but we don't have good reputation even here in Brazil.
Ignorance isn't bliss.
Now I'm going out. I have lot of things to do.